Happy Fall + Artwork I Am Creating

Happy Fall + Artwork I Am Creating

Happy Fall! Where did our summer go? It sure went by fast this year! 

The previous weekend, friends came to visit from Anchorage. We went to a fundraiser and then came home and had our first bonfire. It was fun and the night felt warm. The following day, we drove out to Chena Hot Springs to soak in the outdoor pool and take in the beautiful fall colors. It was so relaxing and we made several stops on the way back to town to check out the river and fall colors.

A few days later, my husband and I drove out to a remote area near Fairbanks to look for wild lingonberries. I was hoping to gather enough lingonberries to make lingonberry banana jam, but for all our effort, we couldn't find any berries. Thankfully, it was fairly warm outside, but getting dark, so we drove to one of our favorite restaurants, The Turtle Club, and enjoyed appetizers before heading home.

This week it's suddenly very chilly and today it began to snow gently. It's always special to see the first few snowfalls and it seems to create this quieter lifestyle as we move further into winter, which I like. Slowing down and getting caught up on indoor projects is a welcome break from lots of busyness, but I will miss the summer season and warm sunshine.

In art news, I decided to open one of my sketchbooks from a few years ago and post this photo of a wild rose and branch I sketched. I drew it during Covid after I was encouraged by some of the new women in my Zoom art group. I am so glad she suggested it. One day I may make this rose sketch into a pattern.

In other art news, one of my long-term goals came to fruition last week which was to have my artwork produced on home décor products. It was so exciting to have a sweet pillow made with my cheerful sheep artwork. I am already thinking about all the possibilities that lie ahead and the things I can make with my artwork and pattern designs.

Future possibilities include stationery and home goods like cards, prints, totes, pouches, etc. My next goal is to have gift wrap made with my patterns and designs, and possibly tissue paper, too. Stay tuned!

This fall, I am taking two online courses. One is about the history of pattern design and although I am behind, I have really enjoyed attending the Zoom Q&A meetings each week to learn about the different designs. 

The other online class I am taking is also about pattern design and I will be learning how to use Photoshop to extend and create new possibilities for my artwork. I can't wait to see what happens! Watch for some beautiful artwork over the coming months and into 2024.

In the meantime, hope you have been getting outside to enjoy the beautiful fall colors!


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